Tel: 954-476-6687
Cell: 954-588-3380

Together we will work toward an amicable settlement not “victory and defeat.”

Geraldine Waxman, J.D.
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator
"I have always believed that the best solutions are those solutions that the parties determine for themselves...not their attorneys....not a judge. With the guidance of a mediator, most if not all parties are able to resolve all their issues, whether financial or parenting, with the mediator's assistance and at the pace of the parties".
Geraldine Lee Waxman, J.D. Is a Primary Trainer for family mediation training programs and is an Advanced Practitioner. She is a Florida Supreme Court Family Mediator, a Qualified Arbitrator and Advanced Practitioner of the Association of Conflict Resolution an International Association of Mediators.
She received her mediation training at Harvard University and advanced training with the John Haynes Institute in the early 1980's. She is the past President of the Broward County Women Lawyer's Association, a founding member and past President of the Association of South Florida Mediators and Arbitrators and a founding member of the Matrimonial Association of Broward County.
Geraldine was instrumental in creating a program for the American Arbitration Association for mediators in Florida in the early 1980's and has lectured on mediation for numerous state and local agencies as well as private groups. She has authored many articles on mediation as well as law review articles and co-authored a book on stepfamilies "Whose Kid is it Anyway." Her private practice deals with all family situations.
The goal is an amicable settlement not “victory and defeat.”
Couples avoid the adversarial approach often prematurely brought on by unnecessary paperwork, orders, and depositions that might drive the parties apart. Instead, I work collaboratively with both parties so that any agreements will ultimately be workable for both. This is truly most crucial where children are involved. The ability to learn communication skills and work amicably together assists the parties in the future especially to the ultimate benefit of their continued relationship as parents and in regard to the continued mutual care for their children.
“As a society, we often fail to applaud the efforts that another makes that we find to be of the highest service or value. We just wanted you to know that we believe that you are a fine family mediator. Your direct, but respectful manner is one which many mediators attempt but fail to carry off. You succeed and with finesse where I have seen so many others miserably fail. Keep up the excellent work and thank you.” -- J and A
"How can I put into words all that I feel in my heart? Without your constant reassurances, we would never have made it. You were a wonderful mediator. You have great commitment and a huge heart. Thank you.” -- W and TS
“Thank you for helping us in this beginning of a great life together. Somehow you are a little responsible for many good things in our lives. We are grateful.” -- L and M

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in becoming a certified family mediator?
Visit Family Mediation Training to learn more about our ongoing training programs for family mediation certification and continuing education.

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